2022 November Gardening Tips

It's November 2022 and another beautiful gardening season is coming to a close, but not just yet! There is lots you can do in November to improve your garden for next year. Check out our handy list of November to-do's to keep you growing and outside before snowfall in this week's blog November Gardening Tips!

Lawn & Pond

If you run your pond pump during the winter, raise it on to a ledge in the pond to recirculate only the top layer of water.
Remove pond netting and clean the bottom of the pond after the leaves have fallen.
Clean the skimmer basket. Check less often after all the leaves have fallen.
Trim waterlilies two inches above the crown and move to a deeper part of the pond.
Add cold-water beneficial bacteria.
If keeping your pond running during the winter, add pond de-icer.
Last chance to apply fertilizer to your lawn!
Maintain a clean lawn by removing leaves, toys and tool to keep it healthy.
As long as the grass is growing, keep mowing!


Keep watering plants as needed until frost.

Continue weeding as much as possible.

Divide overgrown perennials and replant. No room? They make a good Christmas present in a pot for a gardening friend (make sure to tag them).

Start paper whites and other indoor forcing bulbs for Christmas color. They need approximately seven weeks to bloom.

Plant evergreens, perennials, containerized fruit & shade trees.

Prune back Rose of Sharon and P.G. hydrangeas. Tidy up perennials.

The best selection of fall bulbs is available now. Wildwood Outdoor Living has the largest selection around, online and in-store! Be sure to plan out your garden ahead of your visit to make sure you have the right growing conditions for your bulb choices.

Add organic compost to beds and borders.

Cover your compost piles to retain nutrients.

Start seeds indoors according to your region!


Tie up cypress and globe cedar trees so heavy snows will not destroy their shape.
Construct a comport bin and create your own organic rich soil with garden refuse and leaves. Use Rot-it to quicken the process.
All your bulbs should be dusted with sulfur or bulb dust prior to storing them away.
Before storing all your tools, use rubbing alcohol to disinfect and clean them. This will prevent rust and disease.
Looking for more to do this November? Check out the latest episode of Get Up and Grow with our President, Gord Nickel to learn a few helpful tips for planting fall bulbs below!
Have a suggestion or question?
Let us know at info@wildwoodoutdoorliving.com.
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