August Gardening Tips

With the tail end of summer here, it's time to squeeze in every last drop of the sunny outdoors that we can! In this week's blog were here to keep you busy and growing in the garden with all that there is to do for the month of August! 

Lawn & Pond

Keep lawns deep-watered during hot weather. Fertilize, a healthy thick lawn will keep weeds down.
Raise the blade on your lawn mower. Growing taller blades of grass will allow your lawn to retain moisture during hotter months.
Use grass clipping to mulch your lawn, keeping it nice and cool.
Look for thin areas to re-seed. August is a great time to allow new seed to grow before cooler temperatures.
Give your grass a growing start by fertilizing in the late summer.
  Watch for grubs and treat them accordingly! The best way to prevent grubs is to have a lush and healthy lawn.
Clean water features like waterfalls, to remove built up algae which can effect functionality.
Remove old water lily leaves and fertilize.
Check on your fish! August is a common time for fish to develop ulcers. Use medication as needed, clean the water and filters.
Check water for nitrate levels.



Remove perennial blooms as they fade.
In perennial gardens a light cultivation, followed by mulching with compost, will restore their ornamental stature.
For ongoing health of vegetable gardens, remove plants that have finished producing. Chop them for compost, apply a warm season green manure crop or replenish the soil and plant fall and winter vegetables. 
Avoid watering the foliage of tomatoes.
Deadhead all spent annual flowers and water flower beds early in the morning.
Don't forget to water trees and plants which grow under eaves of your house.
Feed rhododendrons and azaleas and keep them well watered.
Replace annuals with new season plants! Try tucking in new varieties of plants that are ready to take on the fall, like Chrysanthemums! 
Check houseplants! With hot temperatures and extra watering, it might be time to upgrade to bigger pots. Gently pull your plant out of the pot and see if there are new roots that are ready to be replanted. 
Potatoes and onions should be ready for harvest! Check for foliage that has browned as an indication that they're ready.


Miscellaneous & More!

 Check on temperatures for heat waves! Make sure to work in a shady spot or start working in the garden in the early morning or evening.
Stay on top of your harvesting! Failure to do so will result in slower production.
Inspect your plants for insects and pests! Treat as needed.
Don't forget to clean your tools! Cleaning your tools is a key component in preventing the spread of disease.
Plant colchicums or fall crocus for colour now.
Reapply 14-14-14 slow release fertilizer - your annuals have a good few months left!
Plan for fall planting by planning out your gardening space & sunlight. Purchase seeds accordingly and start sowing!


Looking for more to do this August? Check out the latest episode of Get Up and Grow 'How To Get Rid of Algae in Ponds' below with our President, Gord Nickel.

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