Floribunda Roses

Floribunda Roses

    Looking for beautiful and easy-to-care-for roses for your garden? Look no further than floribunda roses! These lovely plants produce clusters of colorful blooms on long stems all season long. With a wide range of colors and compact growth habit, they're perfect for borders, hedges, or accents. Floribunda roses are also low-maintenance and great for novice gardeners. Check out our selection of floribunda roses and start enjoying their beauty in your garden today!

    Pre-orders for Weeks RosesDavid Austin Roses, Star Roses, and Cold Hardy Roses are now open for the 2025 season!

    Shipping Starts in Early April 2025. Check Here to See When You Can Expect Your Roses.

    ✔️All Roses are #1 Grade Unless Specified

    Lavender Veranda - Star Roses and Plants
    Lavender Veranda - Star Roses and Plants
    Sunsprite - Star Roses and Plants
    $59.99 CAD
    Europeana - Star Roses and Plants
    Europeana - Star Roses and Plants
    Europeana - Star Roses and Plants
    $59.99 CAD
    Preference™ - Star Roses and Plants
    $59.99 CAD
    Livin' Easy - Weeks Rose
    Livin' Easy - Weeks Rose
    Livin' Easy - Weeks Rose
    $59.99 CAD
    Sunbelt Garden Flame - Star Roses and Plants
    Burst of Joy - Week Rose
    Burst of Joy - Weeks Rose
    $59.99 CAD
    Sunbelt® Desmond Tutu™ - Star Roses and Plants
    Forever Amber - Weeks Rose
    $59.99 CAD
    Winning Streak - Star Roses and Plants
    Winning Streak - Star Roses and Plants
    $59.99 CAD
    Cherrytini™ - Star Roses and Plants
    $59.99 CAD
    Veranda® Roxanne™ - Star Roses and Plants
    Oranges n' Lemons - Weeks Rose
    Oranges n' Lemons - Weeks Rose
    Oranges N' Lemons - Weeks Rose
    $59.99 CAD
    Shining Moment™ - Star Roses and Plants
    Belinda's Dream - Weeks Rose
    $59.99 CAD
    Sweet Madame Blue - Weeks Rose
    $59.99 CAD
    Parfuma® Summer Romance™ - Star Roses and Plants