Westcoast seeds in a rack


     Need seeds? You’ve come to the right place! With one of the largest selections of seeds online in North America, we are sure you will find what you are looking for. All the brands we offer are sourced from local farms or large Canadian seed suppliers that you know and love. Choose from several varieties of open-pollinated and hybrid vegetable seeds, fragrant culinary and medicinal herb seeds, and vibrant heirloom flower seeds. Have them delivered right to your door or pick them up in-store!
    All regular packaged seed orders ship for only $6.85 CAD in Canada

    Lettuce Red Iceberg - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Red Iceberg - West Coast Seeds
    $3.49 CAD
    Mescluns Alfresco Blend - West Coast Seeds
    Mescluns Alfresco Blend - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Cracoviensis - Salt Spring Seeds
    Seed Tape Lettuce Grand Rapids - McKenzie Seeds
    Lettuce Red Salad Bowl - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Red Salad Bowl - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Red Leaves Mix - Mr. Fothergill's
    Organic Lettuce Cos or Romaine - McKenzie Seeds
    Lettuce Super Gourmet - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Super Gourmet - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Freckles - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Freckles - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Freckles - West Coast Seeds
    $3.99 CAD
    Organic Lettuce Burgandy - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Rouge D'Hiver - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Rouge D'Hiver - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Coastal Star Organic - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce Baby Oakleaf - Renee's Garden
    Lettuce Baby Oakleaf - Renee's Garden
    Lettuce Baby Oakleaf - Renee's Garden
    $4.79 CAD
    Lettuce City Garden Blend - West Coast Seeds
    Lettuce City Garden Blend - West Coast Seeds