Trillium Grandiflorum, 2 Pack
- Shipping Starts in Late March 2025
- Top Size Bulbs, Corms, and Tubers
- Sustainable Packaging
- Canada-Wide Shipping
Snow Trillium, a species of flowering plant in the Melanthiaceae family. It is also known as Dwarf White Trillium. The plant is native to the Great Lakes States, the Ohio Valley, and the Upper Mississippi Valley, as far north as central Minnesota. Snow Trillium is a spring ephemeral that blooms in late winter or early spring, occasionally while snow is still on the ground. The plant has a short, thick rhizome from which a sheath (cataphyll) enclosed scape (stalk of the inflorescence) emerges from the ground to 3 to 5 centimeters tall with a single, terminal flower on an erect, becoming strongly recurved (when in fruit) pedicel, 1 to 2 centimeters long; leaves (actually bracts) three, dark green, definitely petioled, elliptic-ovate or ovate, obtuse to slightly acuminate, 1.5 to 5 centimeters long; petals three, white, very showy, recurved to erect, elliptic-ovate or ovate, obtuse to slightly acuminate, 1.5 to 4 centimeters long, recurved at the middle to form a very funnel-shaped corolla; sepals three, green, spreading, shorter than the petals; fruit a berry, green, indented-globose; brown seeds. Snow Trillium is a very diminutive and very showy, white, late winter / early spring wildflower. It is never common and can be very rare often with local occurrences in many parts of its range. Snow Trillium is truly a harbinger of spring with occasional late winter appearances in March while snow is still on the ground.
- Native Plants grown from cultivated stock
- Great for containers and mixed borders
- Wood Lily Ideal for shade areas
- Deer Resistant
- 45cm (18") height
- Zone 4
- 2pkg