Poppy Double Shirley Mixed - Ontario Seed Company
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Papaver rhoeas
Early blooming, upright spreading plants with large, dazzling flowers and interesting lacy foliage. Flower colour ranges from dainty pink, red and salmon shading to white in the centre. Growing to 60 cm (2') tall, Shirley makes an excellent border plant or cut flower. Direct sow into disturbed soil and avoid wet, clay soils. Shirley Poppy has been with us since the 1880's and should absolutely be used more often in the informal garden!
How to Grow
Sow directly outdoors for best results. Select a sunny site with well-drained soil. Barely cover seed with soil and keep moist through the 5-10 day germination period. Enjoys a full sun to partial shade location.
Approx. 1,200 seeds/pkt.